October Update Preview

Hey Legends,
Let's dive right into the preview of the October Update!
📌 Intorducing 『LCK Cheer Pack』 & 『2023 LCK Player Special Card』 Event
📍 LCK Cheer Pack (Digital Cards)
In anticipation of the International Competition this October, we're thrilled to introduce the 'LCK Cheer Pack' on October 19th to root for the victory of LCK teams. This pack contains digital cards from the 2022 Spring, Summer, and 2023 Spring series of the four teams (GEN, T1, KT, DK) participating in the 2023 International Competition.
For all residents of South Korea purchasing the 'LCK Cheer Pack', we are holding an event where we provide '2023 LCK Summer Player Special Cards (3 physical cards)' as an additional component.
Moreover, a bonus event is also underway for early purchasers. An 'Event Bonus Pack', consisting of 2 additional physical cards, will be gifted to you. Please check the additional information during the LCK Cheer Pack sale period for detailed event content.
LCK Cheer Pack Details
[Basic Contents] Digital cards of players from the four teams (GEN, T1, KT, DK) participating in the October International Competition, from the 2023 Spring series.
[Additional Contents] With every LCK Cheer Pack purchase, receive a '2023 LCK Player Special Photo Pack (3 physical cards)'.
[+First Sale Bonus] For everyone who purchases during the first sale period, an additional 2 physical photocards will be provided.
[+Second Sale Bonus] For everyone who purchases during the second sale period, an additional 1 physical photocard will be provided.
🎁 2023 LCK Players Special Photo Pack (Physical PhotoCards)
The 2023 LCK Player Special Photo Pack provided in the event consists of a total of 49 players. When purchasing the LCK Cheer Pack, you can get additional cards. (*Note: Players who played fewer than 20 matches in the 2023 LCK Summer Season are excluded from the contents.)
[Regular Cards]
Features photos of 49 LCK players with a special texture applied to the background. Obtainable from the '2023 LCK Player Special Photo Pack' provided when purchasing the LCK Cheer Pack.
[Special Cards]
Features photos of 49 LCK players in different poses with a hologram and special texture applied to the background. These are obtainable from the '2023 LCK Player Special Photo Pack' with a certain probability when purchasing the LCK Cheer Pack.
🎁 Unveiling the 2023 LCK Summer Finals Teams Photo Pack (Physical PhotoCards, Social Media Event Only)
Available through social media event during the LCK Cheer Pack sale period. It features a total of 10 players from the teams that made it to the Summer Finals. Each Photo Pack allows you to acquire three physical cards.
Please check our official social media for detailed event information to be released later!
2023 LCK Summer Finals Teams Photo Pack
[Summer Finals Cards]
Comprised of physical cards with unique poses and designs different from the regular/special cards of GEN and T1 team players. The runner-up team, T1’s player cards, have a special texture applied to the background, while the winning team, GEN’s player cards, boast both a special texture and a hologram.
Celebrate cheering the LCK Teams participating in the International Competition by collecting various versions of digital cards along with these special physical cards.
(*Note: The special physical card distribution event is only for users who live in South Korea.)
📌 『My Collection Skin』 Update
My Collection Skin, provided as a benefit for the LCK LEGENDARIES Season 1, will be updated in October. The skin, applicable to the top area of the My Collection page, can be customized to your preference.
It will be provided based on 1) the snapshot of Legendary cards held at the end of each series pack sale and 2) the initial purchasers of POG tickets during the LCK LEGENDARIES Season 1 period.

📌 『Discord Collectibles』 Update
On October 4th, the official Discord Season 2 concludes, and October 6th marks the 'Reward Day,' distributing rewards for Season 2 activities. On Reward Day, not only will Discord activity rewards be distributed, but also special My Collection rewards.
Based on the Team Role acquired in 'Legends Manager Season 2,' photos of the corresponding team players from Legends Manager Season 2 will be updated in your My Collection. For instance, if you hold the Team HLE role, six photos of all HLE team players will be updated in your My Collection, regardless of the player photos you have purchased.

We have various other updates and improvements lined up for October to enhance your experience. Your continued interest and anticipation are greatly appreciated.
That’s all the update news we have prepared for today. Have a joyful Chuseok Holiday!