📢 Aug 17 Update: 『Set Effects』 and 『POG Card Booster Feature』 for My Roster

Hey there, Legends!
On August 17th, an update will be applied to the My Roster feature. In this announcement, we will provide more detailed information about how the TPS score is calculated, the POG card's booster feature, the roster set effects, and how the ranking system operates.

My Roster Score: TPS Calculation Method
My Roster Score, known as [TPS], stands for Team Power Score, and it represents the roster score of each team you are currently managing. You can operate up to three teams simultaneously. The [TPS] score is determined by the sum of the [Integrated OVR Score] and the [Integrated Synergy Score], multiplied by the boosting multiplier from card [Set Effects]. Set Effects can be applied in multiple instances.
[TPS] = ( [Integrated OVR Score] + [Integrated Synergy Score] ) * [Set Effect 1] * [Set Effect n]
POG Card and Integrated OVR Score
The [Integrated OVR Score] is the sum of the OVR scores of cards configured in the roster. When a POG card is additionally applied to each position card, it triggers a boosting effect on the OVR score of each card. In other words, POG cards can be utilized as boosting cards for each individual card's OVR score. The conditions for the boosting effect of POG cards are as follows:
- When setting a POG card with the same position and the same player as the roster card.
- When setting a POG card with the same position and the same team as the roster card (the player is different in this case).
- When setting a POG card with the same position as the roster card (the player and team are different in this case).

Integrated Synergy Score
The [Integrated Synergy Score] is determined based on the 6 stats that make up the OVR of each card. However, the calculation of the Integrated Synergy Score is not simply the sum of the 6 stats' scores. Different weights are applied to the stats for each position, resulting in the final Integrated Synergy Score. The 6 stats are as follows, and you can check the scores on each card page:
- Mechanics
- Understanding
- Laning Phase
- Carry Potential
- Versatile
- Mentality
Roster Set Effects
Roster Set Effects influence the [Integrated OVR Score] + [Integrated Synergy Score] sum as a multiplier, making them a crucial boosting factor in determining the final TPS score. Currently, the following set effects are available:
- Team Booster: When composed of 5 cards from the same team.
- Season Booster: When composed of 5 cards from the same team and season.
- Championship Booster: When all 5 cards have the Championship Year badge.
- 1st Team Booster: When all 5 cards have the All-LCK 1st Team badge.
- POG Badge Booster: When all 5 cards have the Player of the Game badge.
Roster Tiers
In My Roster, rankings are not the only aspect determined by TPS scores. TPS scores also dictate the tier you belong to. The tiers are classified as follows:
- BRONZE: TPS below 3000
- SILVER: TPS 3000 to less than 4500
- GOLD: TPS 4500 to less than 6000
- PLATINUM: TPS 6000 to less than 8000
- DIAMOND: TPS 8000 and above
Real-time Rankings
Rankings are determined based on the TPS scores, and they are updated in real-time whenever you change the cards in your roster. POG cards and Roster Set Effects, which have an impact on the TPS score, play a crucial role in the rankings. The rankings are individually assigned to each of your teams based on their respective TPS scores. (For example, Team 1: Rank 50, Team 2: Rank 56, Team 3: Rank 100)
Tiers and Ranking Rewards
The rewards will be offered in the form of events. The events will run on a monthly basis, and the plan is to continue Tier and Ranking Reward events in the following months as well.
Weekly rewards on the team's tier
Weekly eLC rewards will be available based on the team's tier, with higher tiers receiving more eLC rewards. (For detailed eLC reward information for each tier, please check the upcoming event page!)
Final TOP 100 Ranking Rewards
For the final TOP 100 Ranking rewards, the team's ranking reward will be determined based on the snapshot taken on a specific date each week, considering the cumulative TPS scores over 4 weeks to determine the final ranking. Rewards will be distributed with varying amounts of eLC according to the ranking, up to the 100th position. The 1st place will receive 100 eLC and a VIP pack, while the 2nd and 3rd places will be gifted a towel with autographs of all the 2023 Summer Roster players as an additional present. The final ranking rewards for each team are as follows:
- 1st: 100 eLC + VIP pack + One 2023 Summer MVP Legendary Card
- 2nd: 80 eLC + Autographed Towel + One 2023 Summer Legendary Pack
- 3rd: 60 eLC + Autographed Towel + One 2023 Summer First Team Pack (One Super Rare Card)
- 4th to 10th: 40 eLC
- 11th to 50th: 20 eLC
- 51st to 100th: 10 eLC
- 2023 Summer Pack & card rewards will be distributed at the time of the respective season pack sales and will be individually notified at a later date.
How about it? We're sure you must be curious about how MY ROSTER will look like. After providing this guidance, we're even more excited for the upcoming update. If you happen to have any missing position cards, we recommend preparing them in advance. Especially, the sale schedule for POG tickets, which allows you to obtain POG cards for this season, is running out. There are only the playoffs and the finals left. It would be a great idea to strategize how to utilize and arrange your play cards and POG tickets in your roster.
As mentioned in the previous announcement, your My Roster is just the beginning of the path LCK LEGENDARIES is heading towards. We're constantly working to bring you more exciting content. So, be sure to stay engaged and don't miss out on all the amazing things we have planned for the future.
Thank you.